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Including Mathematics & Statistics, Mathematics & Computer Science, Mathematics & Philosophy

Average number of places available each year at Exeter College: 9.

The Course

Each of the Mathematics courses (Mathematics, Mathematics & Philosophy, Mathematics & Statistics) provides a broad education in the mathematical sciences. The analytical and problem-solving skills developed provide the basis for the successful pursuit of a wide range of careers. Each of the courses may be extended to include a fourth year of specialist work, especially intended for those who want to go on to further study and research; the choice of three or four-year course is not finalised until the student’s second year.

Detailed prospectuses for the courses may be found at the University website.


In the first two (foundational) years, students are taught in university lectures (for the whole 300 students of the cohort) and in college-based classes (typically eight or ten students) or tutorials (usually 2 students). In a typical week students will have 10 lectures and 2 tutorials.

In the later years of the course much of the teaching of the specialist courses is in small (8 or 10) classes arranged by the colleges collectively – the Exeter tutors regularly teach options such as Group Theory, Geometry, and Analysis.

The College’s Jackson Library has copies of the textbooks required for the course, both the core and the options; but students need to have their own copies of some standard books.


The skills developed in a Mathematics course are in great demand in many sectors. There is no typical career track!

Many of our students have gone on to further study and research in all parts of the subject. Some have become actuaries, accountants, traders, bankers; others apply their mathematical skills in industry or in software houses.


The College admits about eight students each year for the Mathematics group of subjects; although there are no separate quotas for the different programmes which include Mathematics, and the total may be increased to ten students to accommodate Maths & Philosophy students.

For details of the admissions criteria for this group of subjects see the Maths Department. Although most of the successful candidates have double mathematics A-level by the time they arrive in Oxford, a significant proportion have only a single A-level. Such students have to work hard initially; the department provides an intensive pre-session week of study. Their subsequent performance on the course is usually good.

Teaching and Research Staff: