Giving from the UK
If you are a UK taxpayer, Gift Aid will increase the value of your donation to Exeter by allowing us to reclaim the basic rate of tax on your gift. For every £1 donated, the College can claim 25 pence of tax at no additional cost to you, therefore a gift of £100 is worth £125 to Exeter. Higher rate tax payers can also benefit from tax relief by claiming back the difference between the higher rates of tax at 40 or 45 per cent and the basic rate of tax at 20 per cent on the total value of their gross donation.
Giving from the USA
Tax-deductible gifts can be made to the College via Americans for Oxford, Inc. (AFO), a 501(c)(3) organisation to which tax-deductible contributions may be made. To make your gift through AFO please download and return a donation form or click on ‘Make a Gift Online’ on the University of Oxford North American Office website.
Giving from Canada
We can issue a tax receipt to Canadian donors. If you wish to make a gift, please send a completed donation form and, if appropriate, a cheque (made payable to ‘The Bursar, Exeter College’). Alternatively you can make your gift online and request a tax receipt at the same time.
Giving from Germany
If you are based in Germany, you can make your gift to the College tax-efficient via the ‘German Friends of Oxford University e.V’. Find out more here.
Giving from Hong Kong
You can make your gift tax efficient by donating through the University of Oxford China Office (Hong Kong) Limited, a registered charitable institution under section 88 of the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Ordinance. Further information about giving from Hong Kong can be found here.
Regardless of where you live in the world, you can still support Exeter College. Please make your donation in GB Pounds Sterling, whether made by credit card, Foreign Draft or IMO. Please make all Foreign Drafts and IMOs payable to ‘The Bursar, Exeter College’. If you wish to make a gift by direct bank transfer, please contact the Development and Alumni Relations office for further details and your personal reference number.
Further information on worldwide giving is available from the University website.
Contact Us
You are welcome to contact a member of the Development and Alumni Relations team to discuss making a gift.