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Leave a gift in your will

You can make a difference to the future of Exeter College by leaving a gift in your will. Whether you want to leave a gift to an area of College life that you love, or in memory of someone else, a gift in your will is a wonderful way to make a last mark on your home in Oxford.

Of course, your will should provide for your family and loved ones first, but leaving a gift to a charity can help to significantly reduce the inheritance tax that might be due on your estate (if your estate is in the UK). For example, by leaving 10% of your estate to a charity you could reduce your inheritance tax to 36%.

Whether you want to endow a scholarship, support a specific subject area, support the boat club, strengthen the tutorial system – or anything else – then a gift in your will is an important way that you can make a real difference.

If you would like to leave a gift in your will to Exeter College then you will need to use the College’s legal name, which is: “The Rector and Fellows of Exeter College in the University of Oxford” and it might be helpful to also include the College’s charity number: 1141333.

Adale Bennett, Campaign Director, would be delighted to speak with you if you are interested in leaving a gift in your will to Exeter College – or would simply like more information. You can contact Adale at or on +44 (0) 1865 287 163.

The Amelia Jackson Society

Amelia Jackson, wife of Rector William Jackson, left her entire estate to Exeter on her death in 1925, requesting that the funds be used to support students in need. Amelia Jackson Scholarships now provide highly-prized assistance and have supported many Exonians in their studies. Her legacy sums up the meaning of the ‘Exeter Family’: even though she did not study at Exeter, she left her personal fortune to the College because of the interest and pleasure she had had from her association with it.

All members of the Exeter Community that have made a gift to the college in their will are invited to join the Amelia Jackson Society, which recognises and celebrates their generosity. Members of the Society are recognised as such in College publications and are invited to an event in Oxford each spring. (You can, of course, choose not to join the Amelia Jackson Society and remain anonymous – we recognise that gifts in wills can be a delicate subject!).

Amelia Jackson’s legacy has enabled me to develop academically and professionally by affording me the financial autonomy to focus on the work that I have come here to do, rather than take part-time work that would otherwise distract me. Importantly, to hold a scholarship in the name of a great woman, pivotal in Exeter’s history, has been especially meaningful to me. Maintenance of this sort is vital in its moral and financial support and, as such, is unquantifiable in many ways.

Mandy Izadi (2009, History), Amelia Jackson Scholar

I am happy to have included the College in my Will because it is clear to me that the state’s role in funding education – in which I believe wholeheartedly – is diminishing steadily. To compensate for this, and in order to allow future generations to benefit from the excellent teaching and resources that I myself enjoyed, I have named Exeter as one of the beneficiaries of my Will.

Geoffrey Greatex (1986, Literae Humaniores)