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Exeter College Incentive Scheme

Excellence at Exeter – supporting academic achievement through creative philanthropy

Here at Exeter, we are proud to celebrate the achievements of our Finalists – and we are inspired by ingenuity and innovation, too. Philanthropy and innovation have blended to create the Exeter College Incentive Scheme, a unique programme which links philanthropy with academic excellence by tailoring annual donations according to the number of Firsts achieved each year.

This creative initiative was established in 2008 by one of our alumni, David M. Webb, whose leadership has now inspired others to join him. More than £930,000 has been channelled to areas of College life that support our students. Thanks to this special approach to philanthropy, we have been able to provide support for our tutorial system, provide vital funding for students who need it most, and enable students to benefit from a range of social and sporting activities, all of which provides an invaluable rounded experience.

Starting in 2023-24, with his ECIS donations David has endowed The David M. Webb Fund for the Promotion of Academic Excellence, the first project of which is to annually award cash prizes to each first-year student who achieves a Distinction in Prelims and consents to their achievement being recorded in the Exeter College Register.

Join the programme

Please consider joining the growing number of alumni who link their giving to our Finalists’ academic success. Since the programme began, the number of firsts in any given year has ranged from 19 to 37, with the average number being 28.59. Taking this as a starting point, the table below illustrates what your average annual donation could be.

Donation per first Average no. firsts Net annual donation Gift Aid Gross annual donation
£10 29 £290 £72.50 £362.50
£25 29 £725 £181.25 £906.25
£50 29 £1,450 £362.50 £1,812.50
£100 29 £2,900 £725 £3,625
£500 29 £14,500 £3,625 £18,125
£1000 29 £29,000 £7,250 £36,250


Simply complete the form below to join the Incentive Scheme and make a tangible difference to our students’ Exeter experience and encourage them to excel.

Join the Exeter College Incentive Scheme here!

For further information about the programme and its impact, please contact Development and Alumni Relations.